Equity and Inclusion

The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Commitment to Equity and Inclusion​​


The WDVA hereby reaffirms our commitment to the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion for all employees and applicants without regard to an individual's race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or marital status. 

The WDVA is firmly committed to meeting the state laws and policies, as well as federal laws, for equal employment opportunity and affirmative action. The WDVA recognizes that equal employment opportunity is a legal, organizational, and economic necessity in order to maximize the quality and diversity of the state’s workforce. This commitment is extended to all job applicants and employees in every type of position, including unclassified, classified, project, limited-term, volunteers, interns, and work-study personnel. 

As part of the WDVA commitment to this overall process, we intend to apply diversity, equity, and inclusion principles to all employment policies, procedures, and programs to ensure equal employment opportunity and freedom from discrimination, including recruitment, selection, job assignment, training, compensation, benefits, discipline, promotion, transfer, layoff, and termination processes. Reasonable accommodation will be provided, as requested, to employees and applicants with disabilities.


Equity and Inclusion Committee

The Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (formerly known as the Cultivating Culture Committee), is an employee-led committee that was instrumental in developing the department's Equity and Inclusion Plan. The Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (EIAC) helps the Department to meet its goals of which include attracting a more diverse applicant pool; retaining qualified employees with a focus on maintaining a diverse population; and promoting an agency culture that is respectful, understands implicit and explicit bias, values diversity, promotes equity, and actively engages in inclusion. In addition, the EIAC is tasked with showing appreciation for employees' accomplishments, big and small, and recognizing and celebrating the diversity that we have in our department. The EIAC works to help employees to feel comfortable and safe sharing input about the workplace.

Committee Officers and Members 

To contact the Equity​ and Inclusion Committee, please e-mail DVAMBCOEquityAndInclusion@dva.wisconsin.gov

​​E&I Sub-Committee
​Term Ending Date

​​Jennifer Ginter-Lyght
​Human Resources

​Melissa Becker
​Veterans Benefits/VBRC

​Lane Dombrowski
​Veterans Homes/King

​Ilona Grawvunder
​Veterans Homes/King
​Racheal Harris
​Human Resources

​Kelly Harrison
​Enterprise Services
​Culture and Diversity

​Kristy Hartke
​Veterans Benefits/Northern Cemetery
​​Culture and Diversity
​Marina Johnstone
​Veterans Benefits/Southern Cemetery
​Dawn LaFond
​Office of the Secretary

​Andrew Martin
​Veterans Benefits/SAA

​Patrick Meyer
Veterans Homes/King
​Amy Millard
​Veterans Benefits/General
​Recruitment (Chair)

​Chandler Miller
​Veterans Benefits/Health Services
​Justine Moffat
​Enterprise Services/Union Grove Finance

​Andrea Northwood
​Veterans Benefits/Cemeteries
​Recruitment (Chair)

​Jamie Petersen-Johnson
​Veterans Homes/King
​​Culture and Diversity (Co-Chair)
​Seth Reynolds
​Veterans Benefits/Health Services
​Victoria Simonson
​Human Resources​

​Jennifer Van Haaften
​Veterans Museum
​​Culture and Diversity
​Kris Ward
​Enterprise Services/Finance
​​Culture and Diversity (Co-Chair)

Committee Bylaws

The bylaws of the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee outline the committee’s purpose, detail the committee’s membership and representation, state the role and responsibilities of the officers, and discuss the role of the subcommittees. 


Meeting Agendas and Minutes

December 4, 2024

October 23, 2024

September 25, 2024

August 28, 2024

July 24, 2024

January 31, 2024

July 12, 2023

April 19, 2023

January 23, 2023

October 11, 2022

October 5, 2022

July 20, 2022

April 6, 2022

January 26, 2022

December 1, 2021

October 6, 2021

August 4, 2021