Fee Waiver List

​​​​​​​​​Below is a list of most licenses which qualify for a veterans fee waiver under 2011 Act 209. Many license titles are linked to the managing agency's web page relating to that license. Click on the linked license title to get more information about that license.

Certification of Migrant Labor Camp (DWD)

Charter School Instructional Staff Permit – Type 19 (DPI)

Sanitary License (DNR)

Servicing Facility Registration (DATCP)

Short-Term Substitute Permit (used for those with a non-teaching bachelor's degree) – Type 13 (DPI)

Solid Waste Incinerator Operator Certification (DNR)

Substitute – Type 60 (DPI)

1 year Professional Educator (Used for Educators who have to complete our testing requirements) – Type 44 (DPI)

1 year Professional Educator (Used for Educators who have to complete our testing requirements) – Type 34 (DPI)

1 year Initial Educator (Used for Educators who have to completed our testing requirements) – Type 24 (DPI)

2 year Permit – Type 12 (DPI)

5 year License (use only for PT, OT, O&M, audiology, OTA, PTA, Ed. Interpreter, Special Ed. Aide, Indian Home School Coord, Trade Specialist. after 07/01/04) – Type 5 (DPI)

5 year Non-Renewable License (for Ed. interpreter only if the begin date is of 07/01/04 or later) – Type 7 (DPI)​
