Women Veterans

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Who We Are​

​​Since the founding of our nation, women have protected America's freedom and will continue to do so in ever-increasing numbers. To address the needs of women veterans in our state, the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) remains committed to:
  • Providing advocacy for women veterans;
  • Encouraging and supporting recognition of women veterans' contributions to Wisconsin and the nation;
  • Providing outreach for women veterans' programs and issues

For more information about the Women Veterans Program, contact:​
Telephone: (800) WIS-VETS​


We invite you to the upcoming "She Is a Veteran" meeting, proudly hosted by the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs. This in-person gathering will take place at the picturesque Trinity Equestrian Center, surrounded by scenic landscapes that provide a serene backdrop for our event. 

Register via Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/4kRfMuF

This meeting offers a unique opportunity to connect meaningfully with fellow female veterans who share similar experiences and aspirations. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the "She Is a Veteran" campaign, which aims to empower and celebrate women veterans and discover the diverse programming available at the Trinity Equestrian Center specifically designed for veterans.

As you engage in enriching discussions, you will also be treated to a delightful selection of light appetizers. You are encouraged to unwind with your peers while roasting s'mores around a cozy fire. We invite all individuals who are members of the "She Is a Veteran" campaign and those interested in learning more about our mission and initiatives. Your attendance at this event would be greatly appreciated.

What Is "She Is a Veteran"?

​​The "She Is a Veteran" is a Wisconsin Women's​ Veteran’s outreach campaign that is designed to:

  • Connect women to their identity as veterans.
  • Change the public perception of what veterans look like.
  • Connect women veterans to benefits and resources they have earned.
  • Connect women veterans to the community.
  • Campaign participants will be recognized via a short bio and point of contact on the WDVA Women Veteran website. Campaign members will share their stories, hoping their journeys will resonate with all individuals and encourage Wisconsin Women Veterans to speak up and proudly identify their veteran status.
  • Campaign participants will meet once a quarter (either in person or remotely) with the campaign chair, WDVA's Women Veteran Coordinator. 
  • Campaign members will share community outreach events and Wisconsin Women Veterans’ concerns, issues, and needs.​


Woman Veteran of the Year.

Congratulations to all who received nominations for the 2024 Women Veteran of the Year.

Nominations for the 2025 Women Veteran of the Year will Open on September 1, 2025. 

Questions about the nomination process should be directed to WomenVets@dva.wisconsin.gov.​


Women Veterans Day: June 12

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Annually, on June 12, the state of Wisconsin and the WDVA recognize Women Veterans Day in honor of the signing of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act on June 12, 1948.  Women veterans make up 10% of the veteran population in Wisconsin and honoring their service, sacrifice, and dedication to this country is the pinnacle of this day.

To view the 2024 Women Veterans Day Proclamation, WVD Proclam​ation​​​​

I Am Not Invisible 

         I am Not Invisible Rotunda.jpg

On November 7, 2019, Governor Tony Evers and WDVA Secretary Mary Kolar launched I Am Not Invisible (IANI) in the Wisconsin State Capitol Rotunda.

IANI was created in partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Women Veterans, our Women Veterans Program, and the Wisconsin Veterans Museum.

IANI features thirty-two Wisconsin women veterans that aims to increase awareness and dialogue about women who served in the military. Additionally, IANI showcases the countless areas women have contributed while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

IANI participants succeed in all areas of our communities and have a monumental impact on our lives. 

The exhibit is available to the public as part of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum Traveling Exhibit Program. As part of this program, these photographs will travel throughout the state of Wisconsin educating about the contributions of women veterans. 

For more information or to inquire about this traveling exhibit availability call (608) 261-0541 or email TravelingExhibits@dva.wisconsin.gov.

Wisconsin Trailblazers

​​​Read about trail-blazing women veterans from right here in Wisconsin.
  • April 2020 - ​​Major Gwen Sheppard Has Always Aimed High.pdf
  • March 2020 - March 2020 WV Lorraine Allord Article.pdf
  • February 2020 - Major General Marcia Anderson WI History Maker.pdf
  • January 2020 - Just Joni - General Joane Mathews.pdfAlma Hebel.pdf
  • September 2019 - Leadership As WWII Cadet Nurse Makes Hebel A Trailblazer.pdf
  • February 2019 - VOICES - Anna Mae Robertson.pdf​

​Information and Resources

You can find detailed information about WDVA benefits, services, and programs by visiting the WDVA Benefits and Claims webpage. Below we have provided additional resources for women veterans.

 At each USDVA Medical Center nationwide, a Women Veterans Program Manager is designated to assist women veterans. She can help coordinate all the services you may need. For more information or assistance with specific health care issues, contact your local Women Veterans Program Manager.​

The USDVA has qualified MST counselors at every hospital. Many Vet Centers also have an MST coordinator. This person can discuss treatment with you and help you find the services that best fit your needs. Many USDVA and Vet Centers offer services specific to men and women.

Do you live more than 50 miles away from your USDVA Hospital and need overnight lodging to be able to attend appointments? Call the Hoptel Program at your facility to learn more about Temporary Lodging.

The Patient Advocacy Program is for all veterans and their families who receive care at Veterans Health Administration (VHA) facilities and clinics. If you need help getting care or getting your problems resolved, talk to the Patient Advocate at your USDVA Medical Center.

Iron Mountain
325 East H Street, Iron Mountain, MI 49801
Women Veterans Program Manager:
Julie Gendron, LMSW, (906) 774-3300 Ext. 32388
MST Coordinator: 1-800-215-8262 Ext. 32631
Hoptel Program: 1-800-215-8262 Ext. 32811
Patient Advocate: 906-774-3300 Ext. 32020

2500 Overlook Terrace, Madison, WI 53705
Women Veterans Program Manager:
Gail Gunter Hunt, LCSW, (608) 256-1901 Ext. 11687
MST Coordinator: (608) 265-1901 Ext. 11364
Hoptel Program: (608) 256-1901 Ext. 12007
Patient Advocate: (608) 280-7182

5000 W. National Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53295
Women Veterans Program Manager:
Akeira Johnson, (414) 384-2000 Ext. 47177
MST Coordinator: (414) 384-2000 Ext. 45777
Hoptel Program: (414) 384-2000 Ext. 41136
Patient Advocate: (414) 384-2000 Ext. 42604

1 Veterans Drive Minneapolis, MN 55417
Women Veterans Program Manager:
(612) 467-2487
MST Coordinator: (612) 725-2000
Hoptel Program: (612) 725-2000
Patient Advocate: (612) 467-2106

North Chicago
3001 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, IL 60064
Women Veterans Program Manager:
Anna Bonney, RN, (847) 688-1900
MST Coordinator: Delia De Avila, LCSW, (224) 610-5843
Hoptel Program: (847) 688-1900 Ext. 85554
Patient Advocate: (847) 688-1900 Ext. 84211

500 East Veterans Street, Tomah, WI 54660
Women Veterans Program Manager:
Clelia Taylor, MSW, APSW, (608) 372-3971 Ext. 66375
MST Coordinator: Tamara Woods, PhD (608) 372-3971 Ext. 66429
Hoptel Program: (608) 372-3971 Ext. 61750
Patient Advocate: (608) 372-3971 Ext. 66353 or 67723
Not in Wisconsin? No worries, locate your nearest facility here.

There is a Women Veteran Coordinator (WVCs) located in every regional office who functions as the primary contact for women veterans. WVCs provide specific information and comprehensive assistance to women veterans, their dependents, and beneficiaries concerning USDVA benefits and related non-USDVA benefits. They may assist you in the claims intake, development, and processing of military sexual and personal trauma claims.

     U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
     Women Veteran Coordinator
     Dawn Spencer, Outreach Specialist
     5400 W. National Ave.
     Milwaukee, WI 53214
     Email: dawn.spencer1@va.gov

Women Vets Call CenterOn April 23, 2013, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs launched its new Women Veterans hotline​ – 
1-855-VA-WOMEN (829-6636) – an incoming call center that receives and responds to questions from women veterans, their families, and caregivers across the nation about available USDVA services and resources. USDVA aims to meet the unique needs of women veterans by delivering the highest quality of health care to each woman, while offering privacy, dignity, and sensitivity to gender-specific needs that she deserves. USDVA covers a full continuum of care, including comprehensive primary care, mental health services, as well as emergency and specialty care. In addition, USDVA provides gynecology services, maternity care, caregiver support, crisis support and help for homeless veterans. With one phone call, women veterans can discover all the USDVA has to offer.

Explore U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits

Email WomenVets@dva.wisconsin.gov to submit your Woman Veteran Service Organization.

Contact: Gwen Sheppard, Post Commander
Phone: (414) 376-4718 Ext. 1292882 
Sign up for The Four Forty Eighter Newsletter

American Legion, Madelyn LaCanne Post #539
Contact: Debbie Thomas, Adjutant
Join them on Join the Madelyn LaCanne Post #539 American Legion on Facebook

United Women Veterans, Madison
Contact: Elizabeth Benn, President
Phone: (608) 235-3901
United Women Veterans, Northwest Chapter
Contact: Alysia Smith, President
Phone: (715) 416-1451 ​

Women Marines Association, WI-1
Contact: Linda O'Hara, President
Phone: (414) 405-7349
