Troops to Teachers


Wisconsin Troops to Teachers (TTT) is a program of the U.S. Departments of Defense that assists departing active duty military personnel, veterans and certain members/retirees who are associated with the reserve components, to transition to new careers as public and charter school teachers. Wisconsin Troops to Teachers is part of the Northwest Region of Troops to Teachers which includes Alaska, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. 

The program provides information​, referral and financial assistance to eligible individuals who are interested in gaining certification and employment as teachers. These services are provided through a network of state offices across the country and a national office in Pensacola, Florida. 

Federal legislation provides TTT enrollees pursuing requirements for teaching certification, who agree to teach in high need school districts, a stipend of up to $5,000 to offset the cost of teacher training programs. Those willing to teach in schools with a high percentage of students from low income families may receive a $10,000 bonus. Program participants cannot receive more than a total of $10,000 from TTT. 

Teacher licensure/certification authority for the State of Wisconsin rests with the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Current DPI standards require applicants for licensure/certification to have, in most cases, a minimum of a bachelor's degree. Actual employment decisions are made exclusively by school districts. 

There are various options for gaining authorization to teach in Wisconsin. Examples include the following: 

Initial Educator License is gained by completing the normal program of education courses (including student teaching) that are taken through a Wisconsin teacher training institution.  The Initial Educator License leads to a Lifetime License. 

One-year License with Stipulations is issued to individuals who hold a bachelor's degree and completed a teacher training program out-of-state or are in the process of completing a teacher training program in Wisconsin. Additional work will be needed before stipulations can be removed. 

Professional Teaching Permit which is issued to an individual who has not completed a university teacher training program, but holds a bachelor's degree (Art, Computer Science, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, Engineering, or Music) has professional work experience, and completed an alternative teacher training program. 

Experience-Based Technical and Vocational Education License is issued to individuals with a combination of verifiable employment and training experience in a technical or vocational field.  This license does not require a bachelor's degree.  Additional work toward licensing, during the three-year duration of the license is required. 

License Based on Reciprocity is issued to individuals licensed to teach in another state to immediately begin teaching in Wisconsin.  Additional requirements may need to be completed during the duration of the license. 

The Troops to Teachers Regional Advisor or State Representative is available to assist participants choose the license pathway and teacher training program most suited to meet individual needs. 

For teacher vacancy information visit the Wisconsin Job Seeker website, the Wisconsin Education Career Access Network (WECAN), or contact the Regional Troops to Teachers office

For detailed information, including eligibility criteria, and to enroll in the TTT program, read the TTT brochure , visit the National Troops to Teachers website , or call 800-231-6242.

Contact Information

Northwest Region Troops to Teachers Office

Montana State University

PO Box 172940

Bozeman, MT 59717-2940

Phone:  406-994-4173




Troops to Teachers (National office)

6490 Saufley Field Road 

Pensacola, FL 32509-5243

Toll Free: 800-231-6242 

Phone: 850-452-1320 

DSN: 922-1151


Chris Ligocki, Wisconsin Representative

Phone:  608-279-8403
