Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program


​​The Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs (WDVA) designed the ​Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program (VORP) to connect veterans to community services and provide case management and support, with a special focus on treatment and recovery.

Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program (VORP)​

Programa de Extensión y Recuperación de Veteranos (VORP)

Support Services

​​VORP staff work with community providers and professionals to provide assistance and connection to:

  • Mental Health Services

  • Substance Use Treatment

  • Financial Assistance

  • Housing and Utilities​

  • Claims and Benefits Assistance

  • Employment and Education

  • And many more services

VORP funding may be available to assist with treatment. Contact the field representative in your region.​

Who does VORP serve?

All who have served in any component of the US Armed Forces including those that have previously served and continue to serve in the National Guard and Reserve.

Veterans are able to self-refer themselves through the  For more information, see the CVSO/TVSO bulletin​.

Who can help me in my area?

The VORP team includes 16 Regional Veterans Outreach and Recovery Regional Coordinators (ORRCs) located within their region, two supervisors based in Madison, and four clinical coordinators. Find contact information for each coordinator by viewing the regional map below:

​Region 1: VACANT
​Region 2: ​Seth Reynolds​
​Region 3: David Hartl
​Region 4: Karla Peterson
​Region 5: Nikki Sherman
​Region 6: Paul Huber
​Region 7: Debbie Meye
​Region 8: Xee Khang
​Region 9: Todd Marks​
​Region 10: Nick Brewer
​Region 11: Amber Krokstrom
​Region 12: Nathan Gear
​Region 13: Mark Provencher, Jr.​
​Region 14: Adayta Axelson
​Region 15: Philip Olson
​Region 16: Stevie Scott
​Statewide Coordinator: Sloan Butler​


​​​For more information about the Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program, contact Cal Stammer, VORP Supervisor Northern Regions, at 608-733-1791 or Chandler Miller, VORP Supervisor Southern Regions, at 608-957-5135. ​​​​​